January positive vibes

I invite you to join this private facebook group and conspire with community on a 31 day challenge for the month of January. I want to do something engaging and uniting that feels fun instead of the dreary demand of a resolution. My hope is to share stories and anecdotes and make our homes and neighborhoods a little nicer place to be. Feel free to invite friends.

The list offers positive suggestions of something to do each day. Do them in whatever order you like and try to check them all off. Share with the group about your experiences and aim to connect and support each other throughout the month. Connection and community is crucial so let’s work together to create positive cohesion and change. Let’s start the year off with some good vibes and see where it takes us…

Weekly goals: walk more, sleep more, spend more time with friends and family, get outside more (especially right after you wake up), laugh more, strive to be a more patient, relaxed and yielding driver/commuter

Bonuses: write a few sentences about your day and how the daily exercise made you feel. Share this list with a friend and do/talk about it together. If an exercise feels positive to you, try and incorporate it into your daily routine beyond this month. 

  1. Dance to at least one full song of choice

  2. Smile at 3 strangers

  3. Compliment a stranger

  4. Reach out to one person you haven’t corresponded with in several months or more

  5. Set your alarm 10 mins early and go outside (listen to the birds)

  6. Eat vegan for one day (no animal products)

  7. Take 24 hours off from all social media

  8. Have a screen free 24 hours

  9. Write 3 goals for the next quarter (bonus if you break them down into smaller steps how to accomplish them)

  10. Write down 3 of your personal strengths (bonus for more!)

  11. Draw a self portrait - get as colorful and creative as you like

  12. Send a thank you card (to someone you appreciate, who did something kind to you, who helped you, made your day, etc)

  13. Help someone - big or small

  14. Watch a funny movie (bonus if it’s with a friend)

  15. Plan a trip - even if it’s not possible to go on right now

  16. Meditate for 5 minutes (meditate just means sit quietly and notice how your body feels and the passing thoughts)

  17. Try out a breathing exercise (youtube has endless options, just pick one that resonates with you)

  18. Write down 3 things you’re grateful for (bonus if you share with a friend)

  19. Write a letter to your younger self (here are a couple ideas to get started. (I realize this can be triggering and intense so go gently and keep it light if that feels better.)

  20. Write a letter to your future self (here is a lovely article with ideas, here is more of a list)

  21. Cook a healthy meal (bonus if you share it with someone)

  22. Try a food or type of cuisine you’ve never had before 

  23. Clean out that corner of your house/apt that’s been bugging you - you know the one

  24. Indulge and truly enjoy something you usually don’t eat 

  25. Look through old pictures

  26. Eat one meal that’s all vegetables (soup, salad, etc)

  27. Write a list of the 5 happiest moments of your life (more is ok! Bonus if you expand a few sentences on each. Extra bonus if you share with someone special)

  28. Smile at your reflection every time you pass a mirror or window

  29. Spend 10 minutes reading about something nonfiction you’re interested in (bonus if you check out a library book or ebook)

  30. Notice a “negative” thought and consider where it will take you if you follow it. Try and reframe it into a neutral or “positive” statement

  31. Write a few sentences about the month in review in 3 parts: 

    a) what is something challenging you faced or attempted this month (even if it didn’t work out the way you planned) 

    b) who is someone out there who helped or did something for you - no matter how big or small

    c) who is someone who YOU helped or did something for - no matter how big or small

wellness articlesEva Larson